
(845) 454-1025

Yorktown Heights

(845) 440-1175

How Is Dry Eye Syndrome Diagnosed And Treated?

Dry eye syndrome is typically diagnosed through a combination of the patient's symptoms, a comprehensive eye exam, and additional tests that evaluate the quantity and quality of tears produced by the eyes.

Diagnosing Dry Eye Syndrome

Our ophthalmologists at Seeta Eye in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown Heights have a variety of diagnostic tools to measure the amount and quality of tears on the surface of the eyes. These tools include:

  • Tear production test - A simple test that involves placing special paper strips under the lower eyelid to measure tear production.
  • Schirmer test - This measures the amount of tears produced within a defined period of time.
  • Tear breakup time (TBUT) test - A special dye is placed in the eye to measure how quickly tears evaporate from the surface of the eye.
  • Osmolarity testing - A test that measures the salt concentration in tears, which can indicate whether a person has dry eye syndrome.
  • Meibomian gland evaluation - An examination of the oil glands located in the eyelids to determine if they are functioning properly.

In addition to these tests, an eye doctor may also ask questions about a patient's symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors (such as computer use or exposure to dry air) to help diagnose dry eye syndrome.

Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome

Common treatments for dry eye syndrome include:

  • Artificial tears - Eye drops or ointments that can lubricate and moisturize the eyes.
  • Prescription eye drops - Certain prescription eye drops, such as cyclosporine or lifitegrast, may help increase tear production and reduce inflammation in the eyes.
  • Punctal plugs - Tiny plugs that are inserted into the tear ducts to help keep tears from draining too quickly.
  • Meibomian gland expression - This is where oil glands in the eyelids are gently squeezed to help improve the quality of tears.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications - Certain medications, such as steroids, may help reduce inflammation in the eyes and improve tear production.
  • Environmental changes - Making changes to the environment, such as using a humidifier or avoiding exposure to dry air, may help alleviate symptoms.

Contact Seeta Eye in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown Heights, NY

If you or a loved one suspects dry eye syndrome, it's important to get a professional diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. Contact Seeta Eye to book your appointment today by calling us at (845) EYE-CARE.

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How Our Team Can Help

Our team of experts is here to diligently provide personalized compassionate eye care for our patients in Poughkeepsie, Yorktown, and Nearby Areas of the Hudson Valley.

Quality Services
Our staff is trained in the most up-to-date techniques and procedures to deliver high-quality care to our patients.
Stat-of-the-art Equipment We continually invest in the most advanced equipment to deliver the best results.

Friendly Staff
whether you are new to our practice or have been seeing us for years we pride ourselves on having a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely on for all of your eye health needs.
Individual Approach We take the time to assess your specific eye care needs to create a customized plan to meet your visual goals.


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Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday