
(845) 454-1025

Yorktown Heights

(845) 440-1175

Standard Conditions of the Middle Age Eye


As we age, we become more vulnerable to common eye conditions that could impact and impair our vision if left untreated. Talk to the team at Seeta Eye Centers in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown Heights, NY, to schedule a comprehensive exam today. See an eye doctor on our team to identify risk factors for the following common conditions:

Eyesight and Aging 

After children turn eight or nine, their sight can gradually change, and some lose acuity, requiring corrective lenses. Later, as we age, this occurs again, and one in three seniors in this country lives with some eye condition. 

Standard Conditions of Middle Age Eyes

These conditions are common but should not be taken lightly. Many show no signs or symptoms until the damage has been done. Talk to an eye doctor on our team to discover more about your predisposition to any of these common conditions of middle-aged eyes: 

  • Presbyopia - The inability to focus when looking at things near or up close. The eye lens becomes stiff during aging, which makes it less flexible when focusing. 
  • Cataracts - Common among seniors, though cataracts can develop and create cloudy vision during middle age or earlier.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy - Affects one-third of seniors over 60 with diabetes. Diabetic Retinopathy is the number-one reason for vision loss among adults in this country. While this is not a curable condition, treatment options are available to curb the effects. 
  • Dry Eye Syndrome - This is the most common condition afflicting middle-aged eyes and causes blurry and uncomfortable vision. 
  • Glaucoma - Affects the optic nerve in the back of your eye. Signs of Glaucoma are subtle but, over time, result in vision loss. The most common treatment approach is eye drops, but other options like surgery and laser treatments exist. 
  • Macular Degeneration - Affects the eye's retina and causes difficulty with the photoreceptors. This disease can lead to challenges in seeing details and recognizing the faces of others.  

Our eye doctors recommend thorough, comprehensive exams annually for seniors over 60, including dilating your eyes, so bring a driver for the appointment. An eye examination can detect and prevent many common eye issues in middle age.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today  

Maintaining holistic health and seeing your eye care provider is a proactive step toward reducing the risks facing the middle-aged eye. Call us at Poughkeepsie (845) 454-1025, or Yorktown Heights (845) 440-1175, to visit Seeta Eye Centers in Poughkeepsie, NY, and Yorktown Heights, NY, to learn more. 

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How Our Team Can Help

Our team of experts is here to diligently provide personalized compassionate eye care for our patients in Poughkeepsie, Yorktown, and Nearby Areas of the Hudson Valley.

Quality Services
Our staff is trained in the most up-to-date techniques and procedures to deliver high-quality care to our patients.
Stat-of-the-art Equipment We continually invest in the most advanced equipment to deliver the best results.

Friendly Staff
whether you are new to our practice or have been seeing us for years we pride ourselves on having a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely on for all of your eye health needs.
Individual Approach We take the time to assess your specific eye care needs to create a customized plan to meet your visual goals.


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Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday