
(845) 454-1025

Yorktown Heights

(845) 440-1175

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a common issue that occurs even in people who have no other eye or medical conditions. It causes painful, irritating symptoms that leave you desperate for relief. Below, our team at Seeta Eye in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown Heights explains what dry eye syndrome is and how an eye doctor can help.

The Basics of Tears

Tears are produced naturally to keep the eyes moist. They are made up of three layers: the water layer, the oil layer, and the mucus layer. The water provides the moisture, the oil helps retain the moisture, and the mucus helps spread the moisture when we blink. In dry eye syndrome, either the sufferer doesn’t produce enough tears, or they don’t produce enough quality tears. This means that one of the tear layers is either missing or not adequate for proper moisture. This causes the following symptoms:

- Blurry vision

- Red, irritated eyes

- A gritty feeling, as though something is in your eye

- Stinging or burning sensations

- Excessive watering of the eyes (which is a natural response to dry eyes – an attempt to keep them moisturized)

- Pain when wearing contacts

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, visiting an eye surgeon near me or an ophthalmologist near me can help you get a proper diagnosis.

Treating Dry Eye

After visiting an eye doctor for a diagnosis, you can work together to determine a course of treatment. Artificial tears are often helpful and can be bought over the counter. However, prescription eye drops are also available if your eye doctor determines you need something stronger. Punctal plugs are also an option for helping keep your natural tears. Your eye doctor will discuss the best options after your eye exam.

Visit Our Eye Doctors in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown Heights, NY

If you suspect you're suffering from dry eye syndrome, call (845) EYE-CARE to schedule an appointment with our team at Seeta Eye. If you’re not in our service area, search for “eye surgeon near me” or “ophthalmologist near me” for a local eye care provider.

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How Our Team Can Help

Our team of experts is here to diligently provide personalized compassionate eye care for our patients in Poughkeepsie, Yorktown, and Nearby Areas of the Hudson Valley.

Quality Services
Our staff is trained in the most up-to-date techniques and procedures to deliver high-quality care to our patients.
Stat-of-the-art Equipment We continually invest in the most advanced equipment to deliver the best results.

Friendly Staff
whether you are new to our practice or have been seeing us for years we pride ourselves on having a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely on for all of your eye health needs.
Individual Approach We take the time to assess your specific eye care needs to create a customized plan to meet your visual goals.


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Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday