
(845) 454-1025

Yorktown Heights

(845) 440-1175

Is LASIK Surgery Right For You

Is LASIK Surgery Right For You?

LASIK surgery offers a fast and painless solution for correcting common vision problems. At Seeta Eye in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown Heights, our team provides effective LASIK eye surgery that can potentially give you 20/20 vision and change your outlook on life. Let's explore how LASIK works and who can benefit from it.

How LASIK Eye Surgery Works

During your examination, our ophthalmologist will assess your eyes to determine if you have sufficient corneal tissue for reshaping. Using a computer-guided LASIK device, a small amount of corneal tissue is precisely removed to restore your eye's focal point. This entire process is completed in just a few seconds per eye and is completely painless.

Conditions Treated by LASIK

LASIK surgery can effectively treat the following vision problems:

  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism
  • Presbyopia

If you have any of these conditions and your vision is less than optimal, LASIK can help you achieve clearer vision in a short amount of time.

Recovery and Long-Term Results

The recovery period for LASIK is typically brief, lasting no more than a week. You may experience minor discomfort during the healing process, and some patients report slight distortion of lights at night while driving. However, there is no danger associated with the recovery period. Additionally, as your eyes naturally age and weaken, it is possible to undergo the procedure again to maintain clear vision.

Monovision LASIK for Bifocal Wearers

Even if you currently rely on bifocals, LASIK surgery can potentially address the underlying cause. With Monovision LASIK, our ophthalmologists can adjust your dominant eye to improve distance vision, while also optimizing your non-dominant eye for near vision. This dual correction can eliminate the need for bifocals and improve your overall vision.

Schedule a LASIK Consultation

To determine if LASIK surgery is suitable for you, contact our friendly professionals at Seeta Eye in Poughkeepsie and Yorktown Heights. Call (845) EYE-CARE today to schedule a LASIK consultation. Our ophthalmologists will assess your eligibility for the procedure and guide you through the process if appropriate.

Contact Us

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How Our Team Can Help

Our team of experts is here to diligently provide personalized compassionate eye care for our patients in Poughkeepsie, Yorktown, and Nearby Areas of the Hudson Valley.

Quality Services
Our staff is trained in the most up-to-date techniques and procedures to deliver high-quality care to our patients.
Stat-of-the-art Equipment We continually invest in the most advanced equipment to deliver the best results.

Friendly Staff
whether you are new to our practice or have been seeing us for years we pride ourselves on having a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely on for all of your eye health needs.
Individual Approach We take the time to assess your specific eye care needs to create a customized plan to meet your visual goals.


Click on the locations below for address

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday